When storms are comin' around our house, Sheer Panic sets in. Now, I used to think tornadoes were cool when I was little, and I don't ever remember being scared. My dad would get out the two way radio you know the kind that has four rows, and you can even pick up TV if you're really good at getting it just so. Papa put his motorcycle helmet on me and would turn over our living room couch and we would all three get under the couch. Don't ask me why we did this, I guess my dad thought it would keep things from falling on our head, but if a tornado rips our roof off, did he think he could hold a living room couch on top of us. It was quite a site.
My girls literally panic though, so here we were last night, in remembrance of my dad, they both had their bicycle helmets on, and we are digging out a little room in the back of our garage to seek shelter in case the big one came. We attempted to put the girls to bed and they just had to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed last night and insisted on wearing their helmets to bed even after we reassured them the tornadoes had passed Spring Hill. Cute aren't they.
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