This weekend was INTERESTIN!! Friday night before we are about to leave, we get a call from Channing saying our bus driver, Alton, is home sick with the flu and cannot drive us to Florida. Our drummer, Erik is also sick with the flu. So...we make the executive decision to pack up in our van, just use the church's equipment and high-tail it down to North Port, FL (Since gas is $3++(Diesel)/gallon.) Oh and one more detail, Livi decides that she HAS to be with mommy and daddy this weekend and will not hear of it any other way. So we pile Liv in the back seat. Thank goodness for Paul coming up with the idea to drop her to Grammie and Poppie in Atlanta on the way down. We did Sunday night Live at South Biscayne and did a mini concert afterwards and then both services on Sunday morning. 18 people were saved this weekend and we were able to be a part of it and Pastor John did a wonderful job reminding us all that God deserves our first fruits. Isn't that amazing, Pastor speaks on giving and 18 people get saved. PRAISE GOD!!
We had a great time together, just a little cramped and very tired when we finally arrived home at 3 am Monday morning. PRESIDENT BUSH and Congress, PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE GAS PRICES!!!! Happy Voting today. Just remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain.
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